Andreas Yiafas

Andreas Yiafas was born in 1983 and he is the Co-Founder and Director of Webarts. He has been involved with sports since the age of 13 and, more specifically, with running since 2011.

All these years, individually as well as through the association of Dromea Racing, he has contributed to the development of the cypriot running movement. He always dreams of a healthier and more athletic Cyprus for anyone who sets goals and is ready to pursue them!

For the last 7 years, he participates intensively and systematically in Marathons, holding Personal Best 2.37. This makes him the fastest – in action – Cypriot Marathon runner, with an active presence in the sports, running and track and field environment in Cyprus. In 2019, for the first time, he participated in the Authentic Marathon in Athens, a participation-desire for him.

Today, he is more involved with triathlon, and more specifically with the Half Ironman and Ironman distances, with the aim of participating in the World Championship that is held every year in Hawaii.